Headteachers Welcome

I am privileged to have been the Headteacher of Garvestone Primary School since April 2004, leading a talented, enthusiastic, conscientious and hardworking staff to raise the standard of education offered in developing the whole child.

We aim to make our school a caring society, where each person is looked after and is regarded as having the ability to make a strong contribution to the ethos and talents of the whole school. Our school is a very secure place to learn, a place where children are encouraged to thrive and develop into young people, in a school community where learning, both academic and personal, will continue regardless of age, ability level, race, gender or physical disability. There is an agreed level of acceptable standards, and each person is treated as a unique individual. We aim to make our school a secure, healthy and happy place, where children can learn and play in safety, trust and confidence. Praise is the hallmark of our discipline and we hope that each person will be proud to call this “Our School”. We consider our school to be like a second home and aim to instill in children good values and attitudes that will remain with them all their lives.

The most important rule at Garvestone Primary School is “Always do your best!” This is a community where we learn the importance of caring about each other, sharing with each other, learning to play and communicate, learning to negotiate and compromise. Primary school days are some of the best days of our lives – we aim to make these unique and special days memorable, interesting, challenging and fun.

Effective education requires a partnership between home and school; therefore parents/carers will always be welcome in our school. Every effort will be made by an extremely able and dedicated staff to help the children to settle into school within a happy, positive, friendly and mutually supportive environment enabling us to provide the very best in primary education.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Michelle Farnan
Headteacher of Garvestone school